Wharf had issues for many projects after maintenance closed
After the maintenance, a lot of projects saw a detached copy of their wharf through the sftp service. This should be fixed now but any files uploaded to this detached...
October maintenance window closed
The service on Wednesday 2nd of September will begin at 09:00 and Rackham, Snowy, Irma, Bianca, Grus, Castor and the UPPMAX Cloud will receive the usual system bug fixes and...
UPPMAX Support slower on Thursday and Friday due to conference closed
On Thursday 5th of September and Friday 6th of September the UPPMAX Support will move a bit slower due to the SNIC Allhands conference. The support will return to normal...
Please report if you see issues with Rackham project storage system closed
We are again investigating reports of degraded performance of the project storage system (“Crex”) on Rackham and Snowy. This is likely related to the problems reported earlier this week. Commands...
I/O-errors and missing files on Rackham and Snowy closed
If you had any jobs running or starting on Rackham or Snowy between 18:00 on Tuesday and 12:00 on Wednesday please take extra precautions and check that they completed without...
Issues with Crex (file system for Rackham) closed
Slow access to projects directories and files on Rackham can be experienced. Some users have reported that commands such as “ls” or “ll” take a long time to complete, and...
August maintenance window closed
The service on Wednesday 7th of August will begin at 09:00 and includes system updates and bug fixes on Rackham, Snowy, Irma, Bianca and the UPPMAX Cloud No queues will...
Emails to support@uppmax.uu.se are being bounced closed
We noticed that emails sent to support@uppmax.uu.se are now being bounced. We are working to solve this. We will update this post when the problem is solved. The problem is...
Various account issues closed
We have had some issues with account data since yesterday (2019-06-27) causing group updates to be delayed and in a few cases disabled valid accounts. As far as we can...
UPPMAX Cloud temporarily unavailable closed
The UPPMAX Cloud API and dashboard is currently unavailable due to updated firewall rules. We are in contact with the responsible team and hope to have the correct rules in...
The support will be slower between weeks 27-33 closed
If you need help from support@uppmax.uu.se during the summer you may find increased response time between July and August due to the summer vacations. The staff remaining on-site will try...
June maintenance window closed
The service on Wednesday 12th of June will begin at 09:00 and will affect all systems in various degrees. Rackham, Snowy, Irma, Bianca, Grus, Castor and the UPPMAX Cloud will...
Keyboard issues for bianca web client for some closed
Some users have reported that the keyboard does not work when using the graphical web client to access bianca. We believe so far these users have been using Google Chrome...
May maintenance window closed
The service on Wednesday 8th of May will begin at 09:00 and will affect all systems in various degrees. Rackham, Snowy, Irma, Bianca, Grus, Castor and the UPPMAX Cloud will...
April maintenance window closed
The service on Wednesday 3rd of April begins at 09:00 and affects all systems in various degrees. All systems and services will get bug and security updates. For all our...
March maintenance window closed
The service on Wednesday 6th of March begins at 09:00 and affects all systems in various degrees. All systems and services will get bug and security updates. For Irma and...
UPPMAX Cloud network issues closed
There is currently an issue related to the backend network infrastructure at the Uppmax Cloud. Users my experience problems connecting to new VMs. Currently there is no workaround except to...
Issues with Crex (file system for Rackham) closed
We are experiencing problems with Snowy’s and Rackham’s storage system “Crex”. Many disks in the same enclosure is reported as failed. The disks are now rebuilding and the manufacturer is...
Issues with lupus (file system for irma) closed
We were noticed of lupus (the file system for irma) being slow on some nodes and traced it to an issue with a specific disk target. While resolving that we...
UPPMAX Cloud login issues closed
There is currently an issue logging into UPPMAX Cloud using both the Web dashboard and APIs. This problem is central to SSC and unfortunately affect the other regions too. We...