UPPMAX Cloud region unavailable closed

There is currently a problem connecting to the UPPMAX Cloud. We are investigating. Update 2020-02-10 12:30 The cluod is now available again. It was during an system update a loadbalancer...


Long queue times in Bianca closed

There is unexpectedly long queue times in Bianca. We are investigating. Update 2020-02-10 12:45 This problem was solved and related to a system update. The queues should now be running...


Intermittent I/O-errors on Rackham and Snowy closed

The project storage system that attaches to Rackham and Snowy is unfortunately still having problems. The problem for most users will result in degraded performance when reading and writing from...


February maintenance window closed

The service on February 5th will begin at 09:00 CET. To assist in solving the issue with having reached the maximum amount of available inodes we may need to stop...


Please remove unneeded data in your project directory closed

During the weekend 18-19th of January the project storage system on Rackham ran out of inodes, which prevents new files from being creted inside the /proj directories. We have cleaned...


Lower performance when running jobs on Rackham and Snowy closed

We have received reports from several users that jobs in some cases runs much slower today than a few months ago. We have started an investigation to see if any...


Slurm jobs on Bianca are slow to start closed

There is currently an issue with the system that starts and allocates compute nodes to project clusters on Bianca. Slurm jobs may take longer than usual to start even though...


January maintenance window closed

The service on January 8th will begin at 09:00 CET. The queues on Rackham and Snowy will be stopped. Irma, Bianca, Grus, Castor and the UPPMAX Cloud will receive the...


Limited access to data for some projects in Bianca closed

There is currently an issue with the storage system (“Castor”) which attaches to Bianca. The problem appears to have started on December 21. A part of the storage system is...


UPPMAX support during the holidays closed

The UPPMAX offices will be mostly empty during the holidays and the support is expected to have longer response times between 23th of December and 7th of January. If you...


Cooling issues closed

Our computer room has lost cooling and all systems are taken down because of this. Update 2019-12-12 10:01 Cooling has returned (although we’re not yet certain it is stable) and...


Issues with Crex (Rackham & Snowy project storage) closed

There are unfortunately new issues with the storage system Crex. Crex is used for storing project directories and large data sets on Rackham and Snowy. The new problems first appeared...


Queues stopped on Rackham and Snowy closed

We are currently investigating a problem with the project storage system Crex. The queues on Rackham and Snowy has been stopped. Final ticket report Our storage vendor DDN helped us...


Problem with /proj on Rackham and Snowy closed

There is currently a problem with the project directory system on Rackham and Snowy. Reading and writing to /proj is currently not possible. We are working together with the vendor...


December maintenance window closed

The service on December 4th will begin at 09:00 CET. Rackham, Snowy, Irma, Bianca, Grus, Castor and the UPPMAX Cloud will receive the usual system bug fixes and security updates....


Issues with the Bianca wharf closed

There is currently an issue with the Bianca wharf. We are investigating. Final ticket report The issue has been solved.


Slurm jobs on Bianca are slow to start closed

Slurm jobs on Bianca may take longer than usual to start even though the cluster appears to have many free nodes. We are investigating this issue. Final ticket report The...


November maintenance window closed

The service on Wednesday 6nd of November will begin at 09:00 CET. Rackham, Snowy, Irma, Bianca, Grus, Castor and the UPPMAX Cloud will receive the usual system bug fixes and...


UPPMAX Cloud slow instance boot closed

There is currently an issue related to the backend infrastructure at the UPPMAX Cloud. Users are experiencing problems starting new VMs. One of the last steps of the boot process...


Slurm 19.05 closed

During the last service window UPPMAX updated Slurm (the popular HPC job scheduler and resource manager) on Rackham, Snowy and Bianca. The previous version was the old and no longer...
