Possible issues with files form wharf closed

It seems that there may be issues with files uploaded from wharf, most likely these issues only occur if one reuses the same name through the wharf for different data...

Irma and Rackham login nodes will be restarted at 10:00 CEST closed

The login nodes for Irma and Rackham will be restarted at 10:00 CEST due to a security update. The nodes should be back online within 15 minutes. If you have...

The Webexport service will be restarted today at 14:30 CEST closed

The webexport service on Rackham will be restarted at 14:30. Your exported data will be unavailable for approximately 15 minutes.

UPPMAX Cloud problems closed

On Friday afternoon we have reports on problems with the UPPMAX Cloud. The cloud likely became unresponsive shortly after. The problem is the core infrastructure services of the cloud (message...


UPPMAX soon welcomes you to a new home closed

UPPMAX is happy to announce that we have purchased a new storage system dedicated to solely hosting the home directories for Rackham and Milou. Previously the home and project directories...

Problems with slurm in newly started virtual login servers for bianca closed

Some login servers for bianca have started with slurm not accepting submitted jobs. We have a theory about the issue and are validating a fix. Final ticket report We have...


Jobs CANCELLED when submitted to Rackham closed

Between 21:17 yesterday (Monday) and 08:50 this morning (Tuesday) users were unable to start jobs on Rackham due to an issue with permissions. This lead to many jobs being CANCELLED...

Webexport now available from Rackham closed

Due to high demand, we have now made available the webexport service for projects on rackham/crex. It works as before (see the user guide) so if you have used the...

Problems with the UPPMAX Cloud closed

There have been problems with the UPPMAX Cloud this morning. The issue was first reported around 09:00 CEST with instances not being properly provisioned. The issue grew and the cloud...

Login nodes restarted due to security update closed

The login nodes for Irma, Milou and Rackham will be restarted today at 14:00 CEST due to a security update. Bianca is not affected.

Login freezes on Irma closed

There is currently a problem on Irma where the shell freezes during log in. The problem starts after you have authenticated, and your login scripts are being read. The issue...

Issue with Singularity on Rackham closed

It is currently not possible to run Singularity on Rackham. We are investigating it. Final ticket report This is due to a bug in Singularity 2.5.0 that prevents root_squash NFS...


Security problem with singularity closed

Security problem with Singularity. Disabled during update. Final ticket report Singularity was updated to 2.5.1 everywhere. Upsate 2018-05-16 14:38 We just changed the template images on bianca so new virtual...


Problems running matlab on rackham closed

There’s currently an issue running matlab on rackham, we’re working to resolve it. Final ticket report This issue was fixed by performing a synchronization of our latest backups.

Problem with bianca-sftp closed

We have an issue with the bianca-sftp server. You will likely not be able to upload or download files. We are investigating this issue and you may experience. Final ticket...


Problem creating new Bianca login nodes closed

There is unfortunately another issue with Bianca. If you login to bianca.uppmax.uu.se and your login node is not already available a creation process will start (that takes 2-6 minutes). There...


Milou slurm queue was not working closed

We have received reports that the slurm queue on milou did not work yesterday (2018-04-16) evening. Everythings seems fine now.

Files and directories may be hidden on Bianca closed

We have received reports of the issue of missing files and directories inside the /proj and /proj/nobackup directories on Bianca again. It seems the software update of the Gluster file...


Rackham extension closed

Rackham is finally being extended both with extra storage and compute nodes. The extension started on Wednesday morning, 2018-04-11 and will take several working days to complete. Updates regarding the...


April maintenance window closed

The service on Wednesday 11th of April is larger than normal due to the storage extension on Rackham and a software update on Castor (Bianca`s storage system). On Rackham the...
