Important! Participate in the NAISS User Survey: closed

We value your input!

As you probably already know, Sweden has been granted a mid-range EuroHPC system, which will be called Arrhenius. This system will be the largest HPC system in Sweden and the main NAISS system for quite some period of time.

This survey, reached via the link below, will be used to provide more input in the ongoing planning of this resource.

The survey is sent to all PIs with NAISS (or SNIC) system allocations during the last two years. You are, of course, allowed to send this survey on to other members of your group who you judge to be better suited in answering questions about your groups current usage of out systems.

The survey consists of up to 55 questions and will take approximately 15-20 minutes to fill in. The deadline for responses is Friday 2024-02-02. Please note the rather short deadline!

Best regards, UPPMAX Support