Issues with UU license server (Matlab, workaround exists) closed
There is currently an issue reaching the UU license server. This affects at least MATLAB and Mathematica. We are in contact with the University IT Services and hope to have this issue solved very soon.
License checkout failed.
License Manager Error -15
Unable to connect to the license server.
Check that the network license manager has been started, and that the client machine can communicate
with the license server.
Update 2021-03-10 11:50
The UU license servers became reachable again last week. We have reverted to using the old IP again. Please contact the support if you have further questions.
Update 2021-03-05 15:00
While waiting for support, we managed to introduce a temporary solution for MATLAB. The workaround is to run the following command after loading the corresponding MATLAB module:
Update 2021-03-09 10:00
We have changed our IP for outgoing traffic from the affected computation nodes. All nodes should now be able to access the UU license server again even without the workaround above. We have contacted the UU Information Security Department in order to figure out why the previous IP was blocked.