Crex is slow closed

Saturday update Crex is back on track again. The bugs leading to issues on Thursdag will be addressed in file system upgrades on next maintenance day, March 2.

17:00 Update

Crex got back up at 15. We have not seen the file system get hung since 16:30, but it is too soon to say the issues are solved.

We are continuing working with the vendor and we have a meeting with them tomorrow at 10 am to discuss solutions.

15:00 Update

Crex is down since 10 am. We are currently rebooting the file system and troubleshooting the issue with our vendor.

All jobs trying to access Crex storage are affected, i.e. Rackham and Snowy project folders. Rackham nodes are not affected and jobs using the home directory or local disc are doing well.

10:00 Update Crex was slow tonight and was still under increased load this morning. We are investigating Crex to see if this is transient or a persistant issue that we could address.