"No space left on device" on Rackham and Snowy closed
There is currently a problem writing data to the project storage system on Rackham and Snowy. The error message is “No space left on device”. The problem has affected jobs between 01:45 and 08:47 CET. Please be extra cautious when examining output from your jobs produced around that time. If you have any questions you may contact us at support@uppmax.uu.se
Update 2018-11-13 09:00
We have created a service reservation to prevent new jobs from starting while we are investigating.
Update 2018-11-13 09:45
Reservation lifted and Rackham and Snowy is back to normal operations. We are still investigating exactly what happend. We believe that we ran out of inodes which could happen if lots of files were created. We do however have plenty of inodes available at this time.
Affected systems: rackham and snowy
Written by Support Team on