November maintenance window closed
The service on Wednesday 7th of November begins at 09:00. The service window affects all systems in various degrees. For Irma and Bianca the queues will be stopped. For all systems you might lose access during the dya as we reboot the login services. The UPPMAX Cloud will receive important security fixes, and might become temporarily unavailable several times during the day. In general if you experience strange things today during your work on UPPMAX, please assume that it is related to service window and hold off contacting the support. If the problems remain after the service window has been closed you are of course welcome to contact the support at
Update 2018-11-08 18:25
We believe all projects on bianca/castor should behave correctly now.
Update 2018-11-08 15:00
Service on Bianca completed. There is a remaining issue with Castor and few projects may see storage related issues. The problem is expected to be solved tomorrow
Update 2018-11-08 09:00
Service on Bianca and Castor continues.
Update 2018-11-07 17:00
Service on Bianca and Castor continues. All other systems in production.
Update 2018-11-07 15:00
Irma is expected to be completed very soon. Maintenance continues on Bianca.
Update 2018-11-07 12:00
Maintenance continues without problems.
Update 2018-11-07 09:00
Service starts.